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Family Office Series

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Singapore Family Office  (2/2)


This is the second and final webinar discussing and describing the lifecycle of a Singapore Single Family Office. In this talk, ongoing tax liabilities and structuring options will be explored and discussed, and in light of the current COVID-19 crisis, the impact of succession laws on a Single Family Office, whether held personally or via a trust, will be specifically discussed. The webinar will end with a case study to illustrate and bring together points made during the two sessions.

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Single Family Office: Ongoing Taxation
Kylie Luo, Executive Director, Private Client BDO

1. Ongoing Implications of Family Offices - Taxation of Distributions

- What to consider once the Family Office is set up?

- Tax implications at the various levels of the Family Office structure


2. Ongoing Implications of Family Offices - Pitfalls and Termination

- Additional implications to consider in changing and evolving the ownership structure

- Termination of the Family Office Structure and its implications

3. Different Structures to Cater to Specific Needs

- Foreign Grantor Trust Structure

- Structure with more than 1 Trust

- Structure with more than 1 Fund

- Managed Account

Single Family Office: Succession
Zac Lucas, Partner, McCarthy Denning

Evaluation of Succession Implications

- Succession Overview

- Corporate Structure – Shareholder

- Trust Structure – Beneficiary

- Singapore Trust | Anti-Forced Heirship Rules

- Applicable Will, Will Trust and Intestacy Rules

- General Foreign Law Implications


Zac Lucas | Singapore Family Office | VRT
Zac Lucas | Singapore Family Office | VRT
Zac Lucas | Singapore Family Office | VRT
Single Family Office: Case Study
- Joe Teng, Regional Head of Sales, Amicorp (Moderator)
- Kylie Luo, BDO
- Zac Lucas, McCarthy Denning
- Dominic Volek, Henley & Partners


Singapore Family Office  (1/2)
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Philippines Private Client - Virtual Round Table (VRT)
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Indonesia Private Client - Virtual Round Table (VRT)
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